- bombers now explode on turret when colliding with it
- longer replacement duration of destroyed turrets
- shop button now keeps blinking until player has bought his first support sphere
- power ups now visibly begin to vanish a bit earlier, so they can still be picked up when nearly invisible
This week, we spent quite some time tweaking the turrets. They were a bit over-powered so far. We made them less tough, so they are more likely to get destroyed by flying projectiles. Also, bombers will now explode when colliding with the turret. Replacing a destroyed turret now takes longer, too. This means that when you play with a turret, you should -depending on the types of enemies- avoid standing too close to it to decrease the chances that it goes down and has to be replaced. Turrets still aren't actually targeted by any type of enemy and they are still very effective against fast or teleporting enemies.